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1 Report


Important Property Information

  • Property Overview
  • Tenure
  • Title Number
  • Leasehold Information
  • Land Registry Title
  • Council Tax
  • Last Sold Price
  • Last Sold Date
  • EPC Report
  • Broadband Speed
  • Mobile Coverage
  • Sold in Street
  • Google Streetview
  • Satellite Image
  • Sunlight Tracker

Good Quality Street Level Map

  • Property Boundary
  • Leasehold/Freehold Boundary
  • Nearby Listed Buildings
  • Planning Applications

Local Area & Authority

  • Crime Data
  • Demographics Data
  • Local Authority Name
  • Local Authority Constituency

Listings Comparables

  • Recently Sold
  • For Sale
  • Under Offer / Sold STC
  • To Let

Local Schools

  • Ofsted Data
  • Maps with Distances
  • Catchment

Transport Links

  • Type (Roads, Rail, Air)
  • Maps with Distances

Transaction History

  • Dates Listed & Sold
  • Photos
  • Floorplans

High Quality Property Map

  • All Property Boundaries (1km)
3 Reports

£26 Per Report


  • Property Boundary
  • Leasehold/Freehold Boundary
  • Nearby Listed Buildings
  • Planning Applications
  • All Property Boundaries (1km)

Local Area & Authority

  • Crime Data
  • Demographics Data
  • Local Authority Name
  • Local Authority Constituency


  • Recently Sold
  • For Sale
  • Under Offer / Sold STC
  • To Let

Essential Property Data

  • Property Overview
  • Tenure
  • Title Number
  • Leasehold Information
  • Land Registry Title
  • Council Tax
  • Last Sold Price
  • Last Sold Date
  • EPC Report
  • Broadband Speed
  • Mobile Coverage
  • Sold in Street
  • Google Streetview
  • Satellite Image
  • Sunlight Tracker

Local Schools

  • Ofsted Data
  • Maps with Distances
  • Catchment

Transport Links

  • Type (Roads, Rail, Air)
  • Maps with Distances

Transaction History

  • Dates Listed & Sold
  • Photos
  • Floorplans

High Quality Property Map

  • All Property Boundaries (1km)
5 Reports

£21 Per Report

Essential School Data

  • Ofsted Data
  • Maps with Distances
  • Catchment

Transport Links

  • Type (Roads, Rail, Air)
  • Maps with Distances

Transaction History

  • Dates Listed & Sold
  • Photos
  • Floorplans

Essential Property Data

  • Property Overview
  • Tenure
  • Title Number
  • Leasehold Information
  • Land Registry Title
  • Council Tax
  • Last Sold Price
  • Last Sold Date
  • EPC Report
  • Broadband Speed
  • Mobile Coverage
  • Sold in Street
  • Google Streetview
  • Satellite Image
  • Sunlight Tracker

Good Quality Street Level Map

  • Property Boundary
  • Leasehold/Freehold Boundary
  • Nearby Listed Buildings
  • Planning Applications

Local Area & Authority

  • Crime Data
  • Demographics Data
  • Local Authority Name
  • Local Authority Constituency

Listings Comparables

  • Recently Sold
  • For Sale
  • Under Offer / Sold STC
  • To Let

Important Property Information

  • Property Overview
  • Tenure
  • Title Number
  • Leasehold Information
  • Land Registry Title
  • Council Tax
  • Last Sold Price
  • Last Sold Date
  • EPC Report
  • Broadband Speed
  • Mobile Coverage
  • Sold in Street
  • Local Authority
  • Portal Data
  • Good Quality Street Level Map

    • Property Boundary
    • Leasehold/Freehold Boundary
    • Nearby Listed Buildings
    • Planning Applications

    Local Area & Authority

    • Crime Data
    • Demographics Data
    • Local Authority Name
    • Local Authority Constituency

    Listings Comparables

    • Recently Sold
    • For Sale
    • Under Offer / Sold STC
    • To Let

    Local Schools

    • Ofsted Data
    • Maps with Distances
    • Catchment

    Transport Links

    • Type (Roads, Rail, Air)
    • Maps with Distances

    Transaction History

    • Dates Listed & Sold
    • Photos
    • Floorplans

    High Quality Property Map

    • All Property Boundaries (1km)


  • Property Boundary
  • Leasehold/Freehold Boundary
  • Nearby Listed Buildings
  • Planning Applications
  • All Property Boundaries (1km)
  • Google Streetview
  • Satellite Image
  • Sunlight Tracker
  • Comparables

  • Recently Sold
  • For Sale
  • Under Offer / Sold STC
  • To Let
  • Essential Property Data

    • Property Overview
    • Tenure
    • Title Number
    • Leasehold Information
    • Land Registry Title
    • Council Tax
    • Last Sold Price
    • Last Sold Date
    • EPC Report
    • Broadband Speed
    • Mobile Coverage
    • Sold in Street
    • Google Streetview
    • Satellite Image
    • Sunlight Tracker

    Local Schools

    • Ofsted Data
    • Maps with Distances
    • Catchment

    Transport Links

    • Type (Roads, Rail, Air)
    • Maps with Distances

    Transaction History

    • Dates Listed & Sold
    • Photos
    • Floorplans

    High Quality Property Map

    • All Property Boundaries (1km)

    Essential School Data

  • Ofsted Data
  • Maps with Distances
  • Catchment
  • Transport Links

  • Type (Roads, Rail, Air)
  • Maps with Distances
  • Transaction History

  • Dates Listed & Sold
  • Photos
  • Floorplans
  • Essential Property Data

    • Property Overview
    • Tenure
    • Title Number
    • Leasehold Information
    • Land Registry Title
    • Council Tax
    • Last Sold Price
    • Last Sold Date
    • EPC Report
    • Broadband Speed
    • Mobile Coverage
    • Sold in Street
    • Google Streetview
    • Satellite Image
    • Sunlight Tracker

    Good Quality Street Level Map

    • Property Boundary
    • Leasehold/Freehold Boundary
    • Nearby Listed Buildings
    • Planning Applications

    Local Area & Authority

    • Crime Data
    • Demographics Data
    • Local Authority Name
    • Local Authority Constituency

    Listings Comparables

    • Recently Sold
    • For Sale
    • Under Offer / Sold STC
    • To Let

    Prop Checker – Always Helping Buyers

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